Level 1 TIA Portal (Basic)

Formación nivel 1 TIA Portal

The registration period for the basic programming course in Tia Portal is now open:

Request your place by filling out the form at the bottom of the page. 

If you have any questions you can add them in the comments box and we will contact you as soon as possible.

  • Beginning of the course: March 9th
  • Duration: 40 hours
  • Schedule: Saturdays 10h to 13h


Overview of the SIMATIC S7 system family and main features

The components of TIA Portal: STEP 7, WinCC, communication

Program execution in automation systems

STEP 7 block types and program structuring

Digital and binary operations

Parameterizable block programming (FBs)

Data handling with data blocks

Organizational Block Programming (OBs)

Testing, debugging and diagnostic tools

Hardware configuration and parameterization of SIMATIC S7, a PROFINET IO system (ET-200S), a touch panel, and a SINAMIC G120 drive.

Program documentation and backup


Basic knowledge of automation technology

User level knowledge of Windows


To introduce the participant to the TIA Portal tool, SIMATIC S7-based systems, as well as hardware configuration and PLC programming basics. Overview of HMI systems, PROFINET IO and drive connection.

Request more information

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3 Años hace

¡Totalmente satisfecho!
Se han cumplido totalmente mis expectativas de este curso.
Se han cubierto todos los objetivos y he conseguido adquirir los conocimientos.
Valoro en especial la TOTAL disponibilidad por parte del profesorado en todo momento a la hora de atenderme y resolver mis dudas.

Last edited 3 Años hace by Anónimo
3 Años hace

Muy buen curso para aprender la programación con TIA Portal desde la base. Lo recomiendo.