Tip Control

Project management and organization

This application can work independently or be integrated into the CMMS TIP CONTROL application interface.

Hours management

Recording of time dedicated to the different tasks, as well as the planning of the different phases of the project.

It automatically produces a Gantt chart so that each user can visualize the tasks performed and the planning in time of the different phases of the project.

Management of the personnel involved in the execution of the project, allowing to register the hours spent, tasks performed, pending tasks, among others.

Facilitates the incorporation of new personnel to the project, obtaining access to the visualization of the general status of the project and the tasks performed.

It allows you to issue notifications to different users and customize when and how they receive them. The application supports email, sms and/or push notifications.

In this way, when any modification or update occurs in the project, the users involved are notified in real time.

Maintenance & Support

The solution includes a support service for any incident you may have, with a resolution time of less than 24 hours.

You will have a telephone number and an e-mail address where you can make any inquiry.


The solution includes training so that you can acquire sufficient knowledge to enable its initial use and subsequent management, especially in the area of regulatory compliance.

Provisioning phases

The provision of the solution will be carried out in two phases, in the timeframes and with the committed execution acknowledgement defined below:

Primera Fase: 3 months and a committed execution at 80%. It will be necessary to prove the implementation of all the functionalities, as well as the provision of the user licenses and services required, except for Maintenance.

Segunda Fase: 12 months and a committed execution of 20%. For this it will be necessary to prove the provision of all the functionalities as well as the provision of the user licenses and services of the first phase and its maintenance.

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